Signaling Items





The Earth Leakage Detector monitors the insulation resistance of a non-earthed Single or Three Phase AC & DC networks. It can monitor four different AC or DC supplies. Insulation faults are also detected in a network with loads fed via rectifiers or thyristors. The ELD has been designed for preventive maintenance of system insulation by monitoring its ‘On-Line’ condition. It monitors and reads the insulation of all the cables and loads connected with power supply AC or DC (Busbar) in the form of leakage resistance. It measures ‘On-line insulation’ (Leakage Resistance) directly on to an LCD meter. Whenever leakage resistance of the connected network goes below the set value it gives audio & visual alarm thereby preventing failures due to earth fault. The Earth Leakage Detector also measures actual value of the insulation resistance of the signalling circuit during un-energised (OFF-Line) condition through a built-in Cable insulation tester.



  • Continuous monitoring of connected networks without disconnection of cables/circuits
  • Suitable for mounting in 19’’ rack and Siemens type 21’’ racks
  • Settable Alarm levels from 2Kilo-Ohm to 1 Mega-Ohm to ensure suitability in variety of networks
  • Modular design for ease of operation & reparability
  • Remote alarm facility available
  • Wide range of working voltages (110V AC/DC and/or 60V/24V/12V DC)
  • For multi-channel requirements say 8,12 or 24 channels, add-on units of 4-channels can be attached together
  • Customizable AC/DC channels as per requirement (Has to be specified by customer)
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Quality Control

We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Our products are based on Railway/RDSO/IRS specification and are quality assured after extensive internal as well as third party inspection. We have appointed a team of quality analysts to keep a strict vigil on the quality of the products being manufactured right from raw materials to the finished production stage.

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